Limited Edition Bobo Marionette

Limited Edition Bobo Marionette


Bobo is back! In celebration of BBMT’s 57th anniversary (and 1st anniversary of our new home), you can now purchase a beautifully handmade Bobo of your very own. 

This limited edition, collectible marionette is crafted in-house at BBMT and based on an original design that Bob Baker himself created more than 50 years ago. A piece of LA and puppetry history and a legacy of our Theater, Bobo has not been commercially available for decades and we are delighted to bring him back now, just in time for the holidays.

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Every artisanal Bobo puppet represents dozens of hours of work and is constructed from a total of nearly 40 handcrafted components and requires over 100 separate distinct manufacturing processes from cutting and sanding to painting and glueing. Not only a beautiful object and touchstone in puppetry history, each Bobo puppet is fully manipulatable with intricate stringing and perfect weight to give it a true illusion of life in movement and pose.

The final result is a puppet unlike any other — aside from those Bob and his team of fabricators produced decades ago. 

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A la Mode: A Zine by BBMT (Volume 4)

A la Mode: A Zine by BBMT (Volume 3) vol 3 spread 2.jpg

A la Mode: A Zine by BBMT (Volume 3)


Bob Baker Marionette Poster ( 18"x24" )
