A la Mode: A Zine by BBMT (Volume 3)

A la Mode: A Zine by BBMT (Volume 3)
Organized by Natalia Gaydos and Molly Cox, the third issue of A la Mode is here, just in time for Spring!
Within these pages, you’ll find puppet portraits and artistic renderings of the Bob Baker Marionettes from dozens of artists and fans from around the world. Drawing from a catalog of more than 2,000 handcrafted, artisan-made marionettes, each of the illustrations within is inspired by the wackiest and silliest, goofiest and kookiest of the Theater’s puppet family.
Full of brightness and joy, we hope that each issue of A la Mode offers a dose of happiness, inspiration, and resilient optimism. And that today and every day you are able, in the words of our legendary founder Bob Baker, to be happy, healthy, and always always have a smile on your face.
Volume 3 contains contributions by:
Natalia Gaydos (@nainati), Dana Densmore (@bunny_baum), Jane Canning (@breakfast.one.inch.high), Saylor Petzoldt (@saylorillustration), So Jeong Kim (@dunesandd), Katherine Mobley (@cloverclub), Barkev Msrlyan (@merchmotel), Jeromy Velasco (@jeromyvelasco), Kimia Fariborz (@kimia), Bea Ritter (@beayoloft), Olivia Cerio (@MMMboplivia on Twitter), Andrew Douglas (@angimoto), Ryan Cox (@ryancoxusa), Sean Muscles (@sean_muscles), Sophia Copeman (@cyclomattus), Martina Riedlbauch (@martinariedlbauchart), George Greentree (@gameboigeorge), Fernando Puig (@fernpuig), Jess Hannigan (@jess.hgn), Matthew Espantman (@oldtimy), Boneax (@boneaxmiranda), Melissa Hoxworth (@miskabeee), Andy Clark (@andy.thestreet), Luke McGarry (@lukeymcgarry), Rachel Harder (@yoballoonpuppy), Tiffany Hangen (@tifftvff), Katie Lazo (@katie.lazo), Allyson Gonzalez (@ally.gn), Jordan Henry (@juno99yk), Joey Ahlbum (@joeyahlbum), William Bradford (@elephantmarch604), Adriana Garcia (@adri_tiki), Kat McGrath (@katmonsterart), Mark Patricio (@mark_patricio_art), Asia Ellington (@asiadraws), Marie Claire Macadar (@muriclur), Jessie Caballero (@jessieshungry), Jeannice Ferrier (@moribrunk), and Miguel Ayala (@miguel.ayalajr)
This issue of A la Mode is 40 pages in length, with a final volume also now available!